About ENPE

The European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment (ENPE) is registered in Brussels, Belgium as an International Non-Profit Association (Association Internationale Sans-But Lucratif - AISBL) and was incorporated by Royal Decree in Belgium on 01 September 20161

The Association arose out of the many calls for a European network of prosecutors for the environment, from the Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies of the EU, from various environmental conferences culminating in the Durbuy conference in May 2011 and the 9th Conference of INECE (International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement) in Vancouver in June 2011 both of which called for such an association to be created.

ENPE’s purpose is: to promote the enforcement of environmental criminal law by supporting the operational work of environmental prosecutors

ENPE Board

The association's structure is that of an international non-profit company run by the Board. Our directors have titles and positions laid down by the original ENPE Statutes, headed by the ENPE President. As set out in the ENPE Statutes, there are two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and a Secretary-General all of whom are Board Directors. A further two Board members complete the group. 

Anne Brosnan       ENPE President

Anne Brosnan is Chief Prosecutor of the Environment Agency, England. The Environment Agency is a non-departmental Government body charged with the regulation of environmental legislation in England, UK. Anne is the President of ENPE.

Lars Magnusson              ENPE General Secretary

Lars Magnusson is a Senior Public Prosecutor in National Environmental Crimes Unit, which is part of the Swedish Prosecution Authority (REMA). He is the Secretary General for ENPE and is the Chair of the ENPE Wildlife Crime Working Group.

Rob de Rijck                          ENPE Vice-President


Rob de Rijck is the National Co-ordinating Prosecutor in the Netherlands for environmental criminal law enforcement. He is one of the Vice-Presidents of ENPE and is co-Chair of the ENPE Working Group on Waste & Illegal Pesticides.


Aisling Kelly                     ENPE Treasurer

Aisling is the Assistant General Counsel, Law Enforcement and National Security, for Microsoft and was previously a Public Prosecutor dealing with prosecuting environmental crime cases at the Director of Public Prosecutions, Ireland. 

Aisling is the ENPE Treasurer.


Jean-Philippe Rivaud      ENPE International Vice-President

Jean-Philippe is a Public Prosecutor dealing with prosecuting environmental crime at the French Ministry of Justice. Jean-Philippe is the ENPE International Vice-President.


David Smith                     Board Member

David is an environmental regulatory specialist and leads the Legal Department in the Office of Environmental Enforcement at the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). David is a Board Member of ENPE and is Vice-Chair of the ENPE Pollution Working Group. 


Dr Antonio Vercher          Board Member

Dr Antonio Vercher is the Prosecutor of the Co-ordinating Chamber of the Environment for the State Attorney General’s Office of Spain. Antonio is also a Board Member of ENPE.

Dr Shaun Robinson         ENPE Project Manager & Secretariat Support

Shaun is a project manager at the Environment Agency Environment Agency, England, a government body charged with the regulation of environmental legislation in England, UK. Shaun provides project management and secretariat support to ENPE.


At any one time there are a number of active specialist Working Groups, each of which is led by a Chair comprising ENPE members (member permanent representatives or supporting members) and observers. The Working Group chairs report to the Board. Activity is conducted at Board meetings in accordance with the Articles of Association. 

There are 67 ENPE members and observers, representing 38 countries comprising Full Members (prosecuting authorities from European Government Prosecuting organisations); Supporting Members (other organisations and individuals involved in the prosecution of environmental crimes in particular where a Full Member already exists for that organisation’s/ person’s country) and Observers (appropriate organisations and persons involved in the prosecution of environmental crime). 

ENPE’s organisational structure is set out in the organogram below. Full members, Supporting member and Observers, including the organisations represented and contact points, are also listed below that.

ENPE Funding

Specific Action and Operating Grants have been awarded to ENPE under the EU Directorate General for Environment (DG ENV) Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) reference ENV.E.4/FRA/2022/02 (“Direct award”) under the LIFE Programme2.

  1. Registered company number: 662 626 202 
  2. Regulation (EU) 2021/783 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29.04.2021 and Commission Implementing Decision C(2021)4997 of 9.7.2021.

ENPE Organogram


ENPE Full Members

Organisation State
Environment Agency (England) United Kingdom
Ministiere de la Justice/ Ministry of Justice France
An Ghníomhaireacht um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil / Environmental Protection Agency Ireland
Riksenheten för miljö- och arbetsmiljömål (REMA) / Swedish Prosecution Authority Sweden
Functioneel Parket Openbaar Ministerie / Public Prosecution Office Netherlands
Okruzni Tuzioci Banja Luka / District Prosecutor’s Office of Banja Luka Bosnia Herzegovina
Vrchni statni zastupitelstvi v Praze / The Upper State Assembly, Prague Czech Republic
Ökokrim/ The National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime in Norway Norway
Rigsadvokaten/ Public Prosecutor’s Office Denmark
Fiscalia General del Estado Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo/ Attorney General’s Office for Environment and Urbanism Spain
Drvazno Dovsetnisvo Republike Hrvatske/ State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia Croatia
Syyttäjälaitos/ Finnish Prosecution Service Finland
Specializētā vairāku jomu prokuratūra/ Specialized Multi-field Prosecution Office Latvia
REPUBLIKA E SHQIPËRISË PROKURORIA E PËRGJITHSHME / General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Albania Albania
Άρειος Πάγος / The Supreme Court of Greece Greece
здружение на јавни обвинители / Association of Public Prosecutors North Macedonia
Procura Generale della Cassazione / Italian Environmental Network of Prosecutors General Italy
Νομική Υπηρεσία της Δημοκρατίας / Law Office of Cyprus Cyprus
Ministerul Public – Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție/ Public ministry Prosecutors office attached to the High Court of Cassation Romania
Ministério Público/ Public Prosecution Service of Portugal Portugal
General Prosecutor’s Office Ukraine
Parquet II du canton de zurich / Prosecutor’s Office II of the Canton of Zurich Switzerland
Prosecutor’s Office of Estonia Estonia
Bundesministerium für Verfassung, Reformen, Deregulierung und Justiz/ Austrian Federal Ministry of constitutional affairs, reforms, deregulation and justice Austria
LEGFŐBB ÜGYÉSZSÉG/ Office of the General Prosecutor of Hungary Hungary
Lietuvos Respublikos generalinėprokuratūra / The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania Lithuania
Procuratura Generală a Republicii Moldova / General Prosecutor’s Office of Moldova Republic of Moldova
General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic Slovakia


ENPE Supporting Members

Individual Supporting Member organisations and organisations State
N/A Australia
Individual working at the Public Prosecutor's Office, Antwerp Belgium
N/A Belgium
LAV Italy
Individual working at Public Prosecutor Office attached to the Court of First Antimafia District Directorate Italy
The Syracusa Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights Italy
Individual working at the Sardinia Prosecutor’s Office of Ositano Italy
Individual working at the Ministry of Justice Italy
Individual working at the Office of Work & Pensions Ireland
Individual working at Microsoft Ireland
The Cork County Council Solicitors Office Ireland
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecution Ireland
Individual working at the Regional Prosecutors Office in Szczecin Poland
Individual working at Court of Cassation, Constanta Romania
Individual working at the Department of Investigation & Criminal Justice Portugal
Individual working at the Ministry of justice France
Individual working at the Crete Bar Committee Greece
Individual working at Frankfurt Public Prosecutor’s Office Germany
Individual working at the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor’s Office Germany
Individual working at the Stuttgart Public Prosecutor’s Office Germany
Individual working at the Maritime University of Constanta Romania
Individual working at the Austrian Federal Ministry of constitutional affairs, reforms, deregulation and justice; Vienna Public prosecutor’s office Austria
Individual working at Functioneel Parket Openbaar Ministerie/ Public Prosecution Office Netherlands


ENPE Observers

 Organisation State
International Association of Prosecutors N/A (Hungary)
Udruženje tužitelja u Bugarskoj / Association of Prosecutors in Bulgaria Bulgaria
National Environmental Protection Agency Romania
Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath/ Dublin City Council Ireland
Forum des Juges de l'Union Européenne pour l'Environnement/ EUFJE N/A (Belgium)
Државен Инспекторат за Животна Средина на Република Македонија/ State Environmental Inspectorate, North Macedonia North Macedonia
Ministério Público Federal do Brasil / Brazilian Federal Prosecution Service Brazil
Eurojust N/A (Netherlands)
Državni inspektorat / State Inspectorate Croatia
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) UK
The Malta Police Force Malta
La Présidence du Ministère Public du Royaume du Maroc / The Presidency of the Public Prosecution of the Kingdom of Morocco Morocco
General Prosecutor's Office, Republic of Armenia Republic of Armenia
Prosecution Association of Serbia Republic of Serbia
Central Office for the Prosecution of Environmental Crime in North Rhine-Westphalia  Germany


Also in this section...

EU Life Project

ENPE, with the support of the EU LIFE programme, has undertaken a 5 year project, which commenced in 2015, to develop its network and to undertake a programme of support for the operative work of prosecutors.


Read the Articles of Association of the European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment.

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